So, first off all, I started a new job last week, so life was pretty hectic and not a little stressful. I really would have benefitted from some gym time, but I just couldn't bring myself to walk out of the office in the middle of the day to go (I go to the gym at off-peak times, but that's another post).
At any rate, I am severely behind my goals for the month, with only this week remaining. Going to really have to reach this week and reset for March. I can't even rationally talk about my weight. The protein and no carbs thing didn't really do much for's probably back to more calorie reduction/deficit to actually get some results going.
Also, with a new job location comes a new gym! Which is actually my old gym, but that's probably another post too. This gym is a little less busy, but a little older and grosser than the more high-end one I was going to before. All part of the same chain though, and my card seems to get me in anywhere (with towels!)
Cardio: 20 mins = 2.25km (which actually seems better than normal). I am re-starting my upload to, so we'll see if I can build a widget or something to automagically link runs to the blog.
Workout: 1 circuit of the usual at current weights (how's that for shorthand?)
Supplements: stopped the ALA and a week later, foot is normal again. It could have been stress, but I'm not going through that bullshit again. No more ALA or any supplements, except the proven (for me): Multi, Omega 3 and Vitamin D.