21 March 2011

Late March Update

Wow. Just got back from vacation in Florida for 2 weeks and there's some good news and bad news:
  1. Bad: I ran only once in 10 days in Florida. Ridiculous.
  2. Good: After drinking nothing but beer and eating spray cheese out of a can for a week, I only gained 2 pounds.
Interestingly, I actually felt pretty good. No aches, pains, weirdness. I didn't even take any vitamins and I slept on a couch and I still felt great. Anyway...time to get back on the program folks!

So, I've been thinking about a dinner meal plan that I can live with. Must be foods I like, made of real food and can be made relatively quickly/warmed up after working all day.

So far, we've got:
  1. Lentil soup
  2. Turkey chili
  3. Protein shake and (something)
  4. Flaxseed chicken breast and salad
Getting there...if only I could find a healthy pizza :)

01 March 2011


Cardio: 25 mins, 2.50km. Crazy shin pain. I was actually feeling good cardio-wise, but had to walk a lot because of the pain.

New machines, so still getting a level set. Didn't really track reps, but getting new weights. Will start tracking next workout, but did the usual:

Chest Press
Leg Press
Shoulder Press
Close Grip Pulldown
Tricep Pushdown
Bicep Curl

Off on vacation at the end of this week to visit the folks in Florida. Keeping the workout going there will be a challenge. At least I can run outside.