28 February 2011

February Update

So, these were the February goals:
  1. At least 8 combo workouts (cardio and weight training)
  2. Go out to Saturday night pickup hockey once. Just. one. time.
  3. Ease into the full PAGG stack and document effects/issues, if any
  4. A trend weight at or below 190!
And, now, let's see how we did. Warning: it isn't pretty.
  1. FAIL - 3 workouts in all of February. Pathetic
  2. FAIL - Didn't get out to hockey.
  3. SUCCESS? - I did start the ALA. And I did document that it may have been responsible for some weirdness. So that's something.
  4. EPIC FAIL - Trend weight today was 194.72. Or, 1 lbs HIGHER than beginning of the month.
And, now, the March plan. Which will look familiar.
  1. 8 workouts in March. I'll be in Florida for 2 weeks, so getting out to run will be fun.
  2. Hockey. Just once. Maybe easier as there is a 9pm slot for beginners on Sat. night.
  3. Trend weight = 190! Time to start the pain again.
I am feeling particularly fat this morning. My belly is ridiculous. Maybe it's the beer. You think?

    22 February 2011

    Workout (and "hey, it's been a while" Update)

    So, first off all, I started a new job last week, so life was pretty hectic and not a little stressful. I really would have benefitted from some gym time, but I just couldn't bring myself to walk out of the office in the middle of the day to go (I go to the gym at off-peak times, but that's another post).

    At any rate, I am severely behind my goals for the month, with only this week remaining. Going to really have to reach this week and reset for March. I can't even rationally talk about my weight. The protein and no carbs thing didn't really do much for me...it's probably back to more calorie reduction/deficit to actually get some results going.

    Also, with a new job location comes a new gym! Which is actually my old gym, but that's probably another post too. This gym is a little less busy, but a little older and grosser than the more high-end one I was going to before. All part of the same chain though, and my card seems to get me in anywhere (with towels!)

    Cardio: 20 mins = 2.25km (which actually seems better than normal). I am re-starting my upload to nike.com, so we'll see if I can build a widget or something to automagically link runs to the blog.

    Workout: 1 circuit of the usual at current weights (how's that for shorthand?)

    Supplements: stopped the ALA and a week later, foot is normal again. It could have been stress, but I'm not going through that bullshit again. No more ALA or any supplements, except the proven (for me): Multi, Omega 3 and Vitamin D.

    08 February 2011


    Let's get the "cardio" out of the way first: 2.22km in 20 mins. Ridiculous. Finding it very difficult to get motivated for running these days. But you knew that already.

    Leg Press 10 x 190 lbs
    Chest Press 10 x 40 lbs
    Close Grip Pull Down 10 x 100 lbs
    Shoulder Press 8 x 40 lbs
    Bicep Curl 10 x 80 lbs
    Close Grip Push Down 8 x 40 lbs
    Dumbell Flys 10 x 20 lbs

    Not bad. Not much to report otherwise. Stopped the ALA because of weirdness in left foot. Hmmm.

    03 February 2011


    A triumph for me today...totally skipped the morning workout, but got off my ass in the afternoon and made the time for it. Good times. Pretty good workout too...my arms are shaking as I type this. That's good right?

    Leg Press 2 x 195lbs x 10
    Chest Press 2 x 47lbs x 10
    Close Grip Pull Down 2 x 100lbs x 10
    Shoulder Press 2 x 40lbs x 8
    Bicep Curl 2 x 80lbs x 10
    Close Grip Push Down 1 x 40lbs x 10

    Some half-hearted crunches and alternating side crunches (20 of each) And, yes, everyone's favorite: cardio! A killer 2.06km in 20 minutes. I really don't like running anymore. So I walk.

    Finally, 200 mg of ALA yesterday, no issues. Today is the first day of 300mg. 100 down so far, 200 to go.

    02 February 2011

    February Goals

    It's February 2nd and that means time for a little monthly goal setting. Here's the plan for February:

    1. At least 8 combo workouts (cardio and weight training)
    2. Go out to Saturday night pickup hockey once. Just. one. time.
    3. Ease into the full PAGG stack and document effects/issues, if any
    4. A trend weight at or below 190!
    These should all be achievable without too much of a stretch. Trend below 190 means basically 4 lbs in a month which should be doable @ 1 lb/week.

    Sidenote: absolutely no weirdness from the ALA so far. I don't expect anything, but you never know.

    01 February 2011

    PAGG Stacking

    Just wanted to get this on the record to see if there are any odd effects: started with ALA today after dinner, 100mg. Will target around 300mg/day on a schedule of lunch, dinner, bedtime. Probably try a week of just ALA, then add the common G to the mix (garlic).

    Also, missed my workout completely today, but in my defense, my new job was announced so I was a little preoccupied at work.