28 February 2011

February Update

So, these were the February goals:
  1. At least 8 combo workouts (cardio and weight training)
  2. Go out to Saturday night pickup hockey once. Just. one. time.
  3. Ease into the full PAGG stack and document effects/issues, if any
  4. A trend weight at or below 190!
And, now, let's see how we did. Warning: it isn't pretty.
  1. FAIL - 3 workouts in all of February. Pathetic
  2. FAIL - Didn't get out to hockey.
  3. SUCCESS? - I did start the ALA. And I did document that it may have been responsible for some weirdness. So that's something.
  4. EPIC FAIL - Trend weight today was 194.72. Or, 1 lbs HIGHER than beginning of the month.
And, now, the March plan. Which will look familiar.
  1. 8 workouts in March. I'll be in Florida for 2 weeks, so getting out to run will be fun.
  2. Hockey. Just once. Maybe easier as there is a 9pm slot for beginners on Sat. night.
  3. Trend weight = 190! Time to start the pain again.
I am feeling particularly fat this morning. My belly is ridiculous. Maybe it's the beer. You think?

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